The “Times of the Jews” Timeline



  To the right is a timeline that shows historical events and their associated dating as provided by in the Holy Bible and some secular dating. A quick summary of this block of time of history is provided in its entirety from the book for your study.





Chapter 10

“Times” of The Jews (2nd Trimester)

  The “Times of the Jews” is the 2nd trimester of God’s plan. It covers the 2,029 years and two months from Abraham’s promise to the birth of Jesus. This period of history (the Age of Law, the “growing season” of God) is the middle segment of God’s plan for man and will further support the symmetry of God’s map for us. Let’s take a brief (first pass) look at the details of this Age as recorded in the scriptures in Table 10-1. This quick peek reveals that the time period of the second Age is identical to the time calculated for it in God’s plan. Both are 2,029.1666 years long!


Copyright 2008


Table 10-1





Abraham’s Promise till Isaac’s Birth

25 (100-75) yrs

25 yrs.

Gen. 12:4 & Gen. 21:5


60 yrs

85 yrs.

Gen. 25:26


60 yrs

145 yrs.

Gen. 26:34 & Gen.. 31:38


430 yrs

575 yrs.

Ex. 12:40

Exodus to Solomon’s 4th year (1)

440 yrs

1,015 yrs.

1st Kings 6:1

Solomon’s Reign

36 yrs

1,051 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 9:30

Kings Of Judah (2)

393.5 yrs

1,444.5 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 9-36

Jerusalem’s Desolation

70 yrs

1,514.50 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 36:21

Time to Ezra

58 yrs

1,572.50 yrs.

Secular dating

Daniel’s 69 ‘Sevens’

490 yrs

2,062.50 yrs.

Dan. 9:25-26

Christ’s Lifetime

-33.33333 yrs

2,029.1666 yrs.

1 S-day

(1)     Hebrew Septuagint; four hundred and fortieth year and not four hundred and eightieth year

(2)     Details of this data are shown in Appendix B.


    We have captured all the time from the promise God gave Abraham until the “Anointed One” (Christ) is cut off (death) as mentioned in Daniel’s prophecy. But the “Times of the Jews” are to the birth of Christ and not his death. Therefore in Table 10-1, we subtracted the life span of Jesus at his death to get the exact number. I will show later that Jesus was between 33.333 and 33.5 years old when he died.


    A further look at the data in Table 10-1 reveals more information. Daniel’s sixty-nine ‘sevens’ is the only exact amount of years after being converted to man’s perspective in the list. The years of Jerusalem’s desolation, Exodus, and the time from Exodus to Solomon’s reign appear to be exact times, but are not as we will show! It has been shown with genealogy calculations that there is some leeway (months) in this timing as well. This is also true for the Kings of Judah listing.


    Let’s analyze these key events as we did in the Age of Adam using more precision in our analysis by not limiting these events to rounding errors.

Table 10-2



Min. Time

Max. Time

Range of Time


25 yrs.

25 yrs.

26 yrs.

25 - 26


60 yrs.

60 yrs.

61 yrs.

85 - 87


60 yrs.

60 yrs.

61 yrs.

146 - 148


430 yrs.

429.9 yrs.

430 yrs.

575.9 - 578

Exodus to Solomon’s 4th year

440 yrs.

439 yrs.

440 yrs.

1014.9 - 1018

Solomon’s Reign

36 yrs.

36 yrs.

36 yrs.

1050.9 - 1054

Kings Of Judah

393.175 yrs.

393.0 yrs.

394.0 yrs.

1443.9 - 1448

Jerusalem Desolation

70 yrs.

70 yrs.

71.021 yrs.

1513.9 - 1519.021

Time to Ezra

58 yrs.

58 yrs.

60 yrs.

1571.9 - 1579.021

Daniel’s 69 Sevens

483 G-yrs.

490.044 yrs.

490.044 yrs.

2061.944 - 2069.065

Christ’s Lifetime (1 S-day)

-33.333 G-yrs.

-33.819 yrs.

-33.333 yrs.

2028.125 - 2035.732


    This analysis shows a 7.6-year window from our original calculations and gives us a final range of 2,028.125 to 2,035.732 years. The ranges used for certain events will be discussed in the next few chapters so you can see how these numbers were derived. We see in the range of possibilities a familiar number. Since the beauty of God’s plan is its symmetry and simplicity, we can know with confidence that the time span for the “Times of the Jews” is 2,029.1666 years. Identical to the “Times of Adam”! If we knew the date of Christ’s birth or of the promise to Abraham we could convert this range of years to actual dates. For now we will leave those calculations for other chapters. The point of this analysis was to show that by using more accurate dating and not rounding, it is still possible that the second trimester of God’s plan is the same length as the first.


    The analysis of the second trimester in God’s plan for mankind is divided among the next six chapters. This is done for ease of analysis and at the end we will add the times together for these separate pieces just as we did in our analysis of the “Times of Adam”.  Furthermore, we will investigate other sources besides the Bible to see what they have to say about this block of time in history and how they compare to the biblical accounts and God’s calendar.


We will see how God’s prophets during the “Time of the Jews” provide timing details that are in total agreement with the Lord’s overall plan as presented to you. These prophesies of past and future events, provide supporting key indicators of the truth of His plan… an analysis for those students of prophecy that you don’t want to skim over lightly. 


Appendix B.

Details of the Kings of Judah








980 B.C.

17 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 12:13


963 B.C.

3 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 13:2


960 B.C.

41 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 16:13


919 B.C.

25 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 20:31


894 B.C.

8 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 21:20


886 B.C.

1 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 22:2


885 B.C.

6 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 22:12


879 B.C.

40 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 24:1


839 B.C.

29 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 25:1


810 B.C.

52 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 26:3


758 B.C.

16 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 27:1


742 B.C.

16 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 28:1


726 B.C.

29 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 29:1


697 B.C.

55 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 33:1


642 B.C.

2 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 33:21


640 B.C.

31 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 34:1


609 B.C.

3 months

2nd Chronicles 36:2


609 B.C.

11 yrs.

2nd Chronicles 36:5


598 B.C.

3 months & 10 days

2nd Chronicles 36:9


597 B.C.

11 yrs.

Jeremiah 52:1-6


587 B.C.

393.5274 yrs. **

2nd Chronicles 12-36

           * Athaliah was a woman                                                                                          ** See further analysis below for final number


    Since the genealogy of the Kings of Judah was continuous until Zedekiah, it is assumed when the control of the kingdom changed hands from one king to the next, that scripture recorded that year of service to only one of the two kings so that no double accounting crept into the overall record. With this premise stated, the only error with the total years of the Kings of Judah would be with the starting point of the table and the last king’s (Zedekiah) accounting. It’s possible that Zedekiah’s credited years might be up to one year off since no king replaced him so this means of accounting could not continue. Examining Zedekiah’s account in detail, we notice that his record of 11 years was too long and was rounded up as might be expected.


    Biblical scholars say Babylonian records indicate Jehoiachin, King of Judah, was captured on March 16, 597 B.C. At that time, Nebuchadnezzar made Jehoiakim’s uncle Mattaniah king and changed his name to Zedekiah. The Bible further states, Nebuchadnezzar began a siege of Jerusalem in the ninth year of Zedekiah that lasted one year and seven months, which ended the seventh day of the fifth month of Zedekiah’s 11th year (587 B.C.). The seventh day of the fifth month (Av) was July 21, 587 B.C. These dates yield 10.34766 (596.79466-586.447) years for Zedekiah’s reign. So we see that giving Zedekiah 11 years’ reigning was too much and it was only 10.34766 years. Even though I indicate his years as king accurately, it is hard to determine precisely since we don’t know the exact date he took the throne (only when Jehoiachin was captured) and at what point Zedekiah officially stopped being king… when the Jews lost control of the city, or when the Babylonian’s caught Zedekiah after a chase in the desert, or when they burned out his eyes, or when they burned down the city and Temple? You see the dilemma? 


    Also, using the March 16, 597 B.C. date and counting backwards in time three months and ten days (approx. 100 days) for the reign of Jehoiachin, we get to December 6, 598 B.C. Counting back another eleven years and three months for the reigns of Kings Jeholakim and Jehoahaz respectively gets us to September 7, 609 B.C.  After this, the Bible records only full years for the reigns of the Kings of Judah. Counting back the remaining years for the remaining kings plus 36 years to the fourth year of Solomon’s reign (Solomon reigned 40 years) gets us to September 7, 1016 B.C., which is the year the first Temple was started. The Temple construction was started in the month of Ziv (Iyar), which was April 26th to May 24th. Also, May 24th was a Sabbath so construction would not start on this date and most likely would start at the beginning of a week. Assuming a May 19th construction start date gives an additional 111 days (.30 yrs) to account for to bridge the last King of Judah with the start of construction on the first Temple.


    Taking the 393.5274 years from the table and adding the additional 0.3 years to the Temple construction and subtracting .65234 (11-10.34766) years for Zedekiah gives “393.175 years” for the Kings of Judah. If we add forty years for Solomon’s reign another 40.5 for King David’s reign we get 473.675 yrs. Fourteen S-days is equal to 473.47222 yrs. The 14 S-days and the calculated years of Judah Kings are essentially the same. Although we tried to calculate this time as accurately as possible, you can be sure that God’s plan is exact and that the length of rule by the kings of Judah was precisely 14 S-days on God’s calendar.